Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hetero pride

"...the more important it is that stars confess their love for men in public: Thus they encourage those who hide their sexuality out of fear of the reaction of their environment and, at the same time, show the whole world that heterosexuality is not less "normal" than homosexuality".

You heard it! Don't be afraid! If you are heterosexual, if you are a guy loving girls or a girl loving guys, be strong! Step up to your gay parents and tell them right in the face that you deserve as much respect and love as everyone else! It is okay to like someone from a different sex, even if it's unusual and seems so unnatural because of all the physical differences.

Okay, I think you get the idea. This was simply another mistake done by an author of the German MSN website. They put pictures of all the stars who are gay on it and also this little comment about how okay and necessary it is to be gay. They just mixed up the words there and made it look as if heterosexuality is the unusual thing and not homosexuality.

Well, this mistake had to happen because the person who put the words on the site (maybe a gay person, considering the passion and commitment of his/her comment) had to make it more complicated than necessary. If you say "not less normal than bla bla bla", of course you get confused. I mean: That ain't not so hard to not misdiscomprehend, isn't it not?

There was also a huge understatement in the text, just above the one I quoted here. The author wrote that homosexuality is still a taboo in many countries and that some gays even get discriminated against in some countries. Hell yeah! You could also want to mention that some countries even kill people who are homosexual. But that would not be so nice to read, would it?

The reason for this is again religion. I think there are many things one can argue about in religion, but when you read what the bible (and other books) say about a man hanging out with another man in this specific way, it's clear enough that it's not so welcome. I don't care, I have nothing against gay people, but somehow I feel that Christianity and homosexuality don't go well together. You have to do a lot to make it sound right for yourself if you are gay.

Anyway, happiness comes first, I guess. But that is already enough for now. Just thought I'd share the madness of another mistake done by someone whose job I'd love to take over but can't because I'm officially not qualified enough.

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