Tuesday, December 31, 2019

End Of Year Post 2019

My blog is really dying. Only two posts this year.

Ok, just for myself to keep track of what 2019 was like: It was a year of relative uneventfulness. For the most part, I was working my usual job at 75% part time from mid February all the way until December (usually, my job is only 50% part time).

The extra income was very useful in achieving the financial goals that I have for the long term. In that regard, it was a typical year of waiting and postponing stuff - that's the idea behind delayed gratification.

What were some interesting events?

  • Meeting Kath at the very beginning of the year - she's part of the old M2M gang and the biggest Marit/Marion fan of all time - so that was meaningful as my own history is all about that M2M stuff
  • In the summer, we had in-laws for visit, specifically speaking the youngest sistel in law (spelling is intentional) and the mother in law. We spent a lot of time in Switzerland and Austria with me driving what felt like a space ship (Audi A8 or something with automatic gears and shit), my best memory of the year is probably that lake we went swimming in. Very relaxing
  • Bought lots of shares in the stock market and beginning to get a really nice dividend income from them. New purchases included Boeing, British American Tobacco and Capitaland.

Apart from that, the year was relatively uneventful, as mentioned. I'm much more focussed on the future than the present. In my mind, it has been 2020 for a long time already. I'm waiting for more income to go into my stock broker account. There are some more years of saving money ahead, but after next year, I expect things to improve in everyday life, financially speaking. There is a point in time where not only the dividend income makes life easier, but also there is less of a need to keep saving money at an insane rate. That's what I'm looking for.

Goals for 2020: Well, money is a priority, as you can guess. I'm also desperate to lose weight (big fail in 2019) and I'm going to work a 3/4 job again from February on until end of September, if things stay the same. I don't want to spend money on fancy things and I don't plan any trips abroad, because I'm looking at the long-term picture. Hopefully, things will turn out fine.

That's it. See you in one year unless I get motivated to write something here.