Sunday, November 01, 2015

Stupid Blog Comments

I don't get a lot of comments on this blog, but on my other blog, I get lots of comments, and 95 per cent of them are okay. Even criticism is okay as long as it's grounded on facts or at least opinions without being cynical or in other ways evil.

But every once in a while, an asshole comes by and tries to shit and pee on me at the same time. These people not only state that they personally disagree with me, but they declare from a godly perspective that my statements are all wrong, rubbish or bullshit.

Today for example, the comment I got was something like this:

That's all nonsense. Everyone needs carbohydrates, especially in the morning. It doesn't have to be chocolate spread and buns, but unless we want to lie in bed all day, that's what's important bla bla bla...

When I read this comment, several things immediately become clear to me:

  • This person does self-reflect in the slightest way how her words might make other people feel. In some way, she is violating the golden rule (don't treat others the way you wouldn't want to be treated). Of course, it's not necessary to kiss everyone's ass, as nobody would want that either, but stating one's opinion is possible without totally shoving someone else's opinion up his ass.
  • She obviously hasn't heard of some people actually doing well without carbs, otherwise she would be more careful with such a statement. And these people can even be found on my blog in the comments section.
  • She has not tried and never will try to live without carbs for a serious period of time. She doesn't have the experience to judge the situation. If she ever really tried living without carbs, her attempt failed and she didn't give it enough time, but judging from her style of writing, she is making her judgements from a distance, so she has no idea what she's talking about.

And there is even a difference between how I write and how she wrote her comment. I'm not the person who says "everyone who eats carbs is an idiot". No, and I acknowledge that the truth can be a lot more complex than just a religious "only carbs / no carbs / only fats / no fats" way of life.

But what some people do is just...."nah... that's all bullshit". You know, if that is your opinion then you should just shut up.

I just love it when people only write a comment in order to piss someone off and to demonstrate that they know basic dogmatic rules of thumb... like "carbs are essential for living" or "it's not possible to survive X days without water" without having ever tried anything like that.

I could make it my occupation to just visit EVERY blog there is out there, find something to nit-pick, wrap my negative comment with some dogmatic words, offer no room for another opinion, and just declare that I "know" the truth and there's no discussing it.

And even though it's only less than 5 per cent of the comments I receive, I still always have a bad feeling when I check the comments... because I expect this kind of shit. This is why I'm sooner or later going to close the comments section.

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