Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's been a long time (1999-2009)

There are some anniversaries to celebrate. First of all, one of the cutest, nicest girls celebrated her birthday recently and became 10 years old. Happy birthday again to you! Don't worry, you will get a cat one day, but keep in mind that cats also mean work.

I also had my birthday this month and I got a new electric shaver. The last one I got 10 years ago! Wow, that is already hard to believe. It helped me look acceptable from age 16 until now. Whenever I had to look neat, whether it's in job interviews, when meeting important people or just whenever I had to take that whole stuff off my face, I could trust my Braun shaver. Now I send it into retirement. It already started hurting my face, maybe because it was so overused.

The new one is the Braun CruZer² - yeah, that sounds stylish, right? And I hope this CruZer² can last for 10 years just like my old shaver. When I compare the both of them, it's already obvious on the outside that they come from different ages. My old shaver looks very boring, like an ordinary, mid-90s cellphone. A big black block without any aesthetic curves or shapes. The new one has those curves, and also a nice design, colours (orange for example) and cool stuff on it. Interesting extras. I wonder how these shaving things look in another 10 years. Maybe totally futuristic.

I often make a comparison to 10 years ago, no matter which year I'm in. 1999 was not the best year for me (and others), so I hope 2009 does not become this bizarre twin of 1999. It can even be a not so special year. Just normal would be okay. Maybe some things could go right instead of wrong, I wouldn't mind.

I try not to feel too bad. There are things to appreciate, things to enjoy. Like cooking. Or being in a nice relationship.

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